I was given this book as a child or perhaps, boy, and that dust jacket is exactly how I remember it. I kept it until we downsized and got rid of many of our books – this was one of them. But nostalgia, or sense ? got the better of me and I recently bought it from abebooks and have been reading it all over again. It just makes me realise that we should never ever get rid of books. Keep them until you die and let your executors do the dirty work.
The Author was F C Hendry who wrote as “Shalimar” and it is worth your while to search the web under those names to find out more about him. He did a broadcast on the BBC in 1934 and this is what the BBC had to say . . .
“Captain Hendry, who initiates this remarkable series of talks, served as an apprentice and officer on sailing ships which doubled the Cape. After serving with the Cunard Line, he went east and commanded steamers sailing the South China seas. He also served on the North-West Frontier of India, and has been a number of years in Mesopotamia, taking part in the ill-fated advance on Baghdad and the subsequent retreat from Ctesiphon. Under the nom-deplume of ‘ ‘Shalimar ‘, Captain Hendry has published a number of tales and novels dealing with the sea”