We creative types have a bit of a job being creative sometimes.
We creative types have a bit of a job being creative sometimes.
“There is no wealth but life. Life, including all its powers of love, of joy, and of admiration. That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest numbers of noble and happy human beings; that man is richest, who, having perfected the functions of his own life to the utmost, has also the widest helpful influence, both personal, and by means of his possessions, over the lives of others.”
From “Unto this Last”, 1860.
Charlotte Hughes writes from first hand experience of living on the poor side of life. Before Covid she and others issued food parcels to people attending the Ashton-under-Lyne Job Centre as well as giving them aid and advice. You can help her somewhat by donating via the link on her blog. it is a blog that should be required reading for all MPs.
An excellent blog by Professor Chris Grey about Brexit and the Brexiteers and how both are affecting the UK, its present and its future.
This site runs on Linux Mint.
This site is hosted by Heart Internet who I find to be excellent for a non-techie like me, and whose customer service department is always helpful and patient.