We chose a rather mucky day to go out. The sort of day where in the end you give up using the rear screen wiper and rely on the exterior mirrors. Never mind though, the drive up the A75 along the shore at the north en of Wigtown Bay is good at any time.

(Google Maps)
We went up to Creetown – sometimes I think that like many small Scottish towns around here it could be called Greytown. Grey on the outside, warm, smart, welcoming on the inside. There we partook of lunch at the Gem Museum. Like many places it tries to be a place of interest – and it is – but stomachs will have their say and so a good deal of their income, I should say, comes from sales in their cafe. I had a beef burger, I am generally a bit scornful about the whole burger thing, but this burger was filled with Galloway beef and it was delicious. One of the waitresses we used to know at the Galloway Fisherman restaurant which hasn’t as yet opened, and we pondered whether we might ask her why ? – but wondered if we might be being a bit intrusive, so we didn’t.
Thereafter we moved down the coast to the Galloway smoke house which we haven’t been in since BC – before Covid.

(Google Maps)
What a glorious glory hole. You can buy all sorts of cheeses (bearing in mind that many things are smoked – it is a smokehouse, after all) – they do their own lines of chutneys, sauces, biscuits and so forth, and of course – they do fish. The self discipline has to be exercised here as one is likely to go home with a lightened bank balance and a heavy shopping bag and an impossible eating ask ahead of you. So we purchased freely of the biscuits and sauces, but sparingly of the fish. My OH wnt for salmon pate, I for smoked Sea Bream.

From their web site.
We bore our purchases home and had them for lunch the next day. The sea bream was lovely – a bit like smoked mackerel but drier and less oily. I have a feeling we will be back there soon.

Know anyone ?
(Google Maps)
And, yes, we did ask about the Galloway Fisherman, and learnt that it would not open until such time as they could find a Chef prepared to take on seasonal work. What a shame, a magnificent asset just going to waste. I wonder if we had not left the European Union there might not be plenty of European Chefs willing to come over a do a summer’s work ? Who can say ?