On my way into town this afternoon, for my monthly blood letting – why take blood OUT when you have a low haemoglobin level I ask myself – I noticed that our garage of choice, which has had red cones in front of its pumps and and an apparently shut petrol office, now had its for sale cars lined up right across it frontage so that you can barely even see the pumps. I do not know why this is, nor have I asked, but my guess is that the margin on its petrol sales was so low that the cost of paying an office person outweighed the petrol profits. Fortunately we have another garage in the town which is still selling petrol so we are OK pro tem.
On my way back I saw that the old Bank of Scotland branch building was sporting a Bank Hub sign. This tickled me as I had had some time back a conversation with the Bank of Scotland manager in Castle Douglas where I suggested that the banks should get together and take a less costly office and put all their reps in one place whilst sharing the cost. He laughed and said that they has been having discussions along the same lines. So, evidently the discussions have become fact.
The old fish and chip shop and restaurant and the fish shop next door are being torn to pieces without actually being demolished, so hope fully a new shop or shops will appear. It is amazing (to me) to see the butt end of an excavator like machine standing in the street while its business end is invisible within the depth of the building. I have a hunch that West Coast Sea Products had signs in the windows for a while beforehand, and if they opened a proper fish shop it would be excellent. We live in hope !