Went to bed with a mildly sore right shoulder, due, no doubt to yesterday’s injection – but what went in the right side ? I am sure the Nurse said it at the time, but do I remember ? – obviously not. Took some Paracetamol which did not seem to have much effect.
Slept until 10.00 am and got up to see what was happening on the Tesco front . . .

“We’re contacting you with an update about your Tesco grocery order.
We’re sorry to advise that your driver is running late due to a van breakdown. We expect your order to be with you by 18:30.
The best way to get order updates, like if there’s any delays, is by adding a mobile phone number to your delivery address. You can do this by following the steps below: . . . “
The last bit is daft. They know my mobile number and sent me the same message – word for word the same – on my mobile phone. Truly the right hand knoweth not the activities of the left.
Stop Press . . .
The new Microwave has been delivered. The delivery man switched it on and it all lit up, so now we have to read the manual . . . Oh Joy !

And, Tesco now think they will be here twixt 12.00 noon and 4.00 pm.

Update at 1.30 pm . . .

The tension mounts . . .

Tesco arrived at 2.54 pm, but I failed to get a picture as I had intended. We have unloaded all we can to the kitchen. I am now in a state of collapse, but my OH is still on her feet and fighting the intruders. But, with this delivery and a new microwave – what larks !