On this day, 20th April in 1957 we were married at All Saints, Patcham, in Sussex. The after effects of the Suez crisis were still with us and I only got from RAF Pembrey to Sussex because my father gave me his emergency petrol coupons – petrol being rationed at the time. For the same reason all the guests from my home area, Sutton and Cheam, came down by coach, and my Father reported that it was a great success and on the way back home they all stopped for fish and chips and a good time was had by all !
In other news, today, for the first time in the three years we have been having Tesco deliveries our delivery and its associated order were cancelled by Tesco, with profuse apologies but no explanation. However, I was able to ‘refill’ our basket and book a slot for Sunday. I tried to book for Saturday as it showed that slots were available, but Saturday didn’t want to know us.
We are glad to see that a small number of small birds are appearing in our garden on the feeders. The drop is small birds numbers and varieties has been dramatic in the (nearly) six years that we have lived here. Wood Pigeon, Starlings, Crows, and Gulls seem to have flourished as the others have diminished. But we are seeing Chaffinches and Goldfinches quite regularly now which is encouraging. There have been many reports of Avian Flu, but this is usually with respect to farmed birds like chickens rather that about wildlife – this despite the much vaunted care for wildlife displayed by the media when it suits them.