Assorted social media posts . . .
My parents always voted Conservative, but that was over 50 years ago, and the Conservative Party was an altogether different organisation back then. The current Conservative Party is the successor to those who marched the streets in black shirts.
This in reply to various ill informed and distinctly uncaring posts about the King’s prostate treatment . . .
“Yes. Because prostate cancer is still not taken seriously except by those of us who have had it. I hope this publicity may help to save the lives of some men.”
Peter Howard. “Good point Ian – I had mine removed some years ago and am cancer free now thank God. And like you I would encourage men to get checked out.”
Getting a bit outspoken about the awful Boris. “An out and out rotter” as my Mum would have said . . .
“Boris Johnson is a narcissistic, serial liar and adulterer – but he is also dangerous because as with Trump, Hitler, Mussolini and other populist leaders, he has a following. His problem is that he would like to lead but does not have the ability to do so.”
On various comments such as “not my Country” or “not my King” in reply to the possible necessity of introducing conscription because of the activities of Putin in Ukraine and elsewhere . . .
In 1933 at an Oxford Union debate the motion that “This House will under no circumstances fight for its King and country” was passed 275 to 153. Six years later they were doing just the opposite. Gen Z will no doubt do the same if/when the crunch comes. Just like August 1914.
Some thoughts on the awfulness that is the current Government – if it can be called that . . .
I do not think the UK can produce a person (male or female) willing and suitable for the Office of PM. I think suitable, talented, people exist, but they sensibly steer clear of our tainted politics and put their abilities to good use elsewhere.
The introduction of long delayed Brexit legislation provisions may impede the import of certain fruit and vegetables . . .
Given the amount of fruit and veg stuff that we buy currently that comes from outside this country (sometimes very far outside !) I foresee yet more empty shelves, possible real food shortages and rationing for some items. The latter already happens when we submit our Tesco delivery order.