Decadenona is no more . . .

A bout ten years ago I thought to have a domain name that reflected something about its owner. I did not learn Latin at school, but Google Translate seemed to think that the ninetieth decade, which I was then entering came out as “decadenona”. So with the never failing assistance of Heart Internet Hosting I bought the domain and used it for a blog called “The Waiting Room” – an allusion to the fact that as you get older you are on the platform or at the station, waiting for the necropolis express.

The decade is now almost up, the express has not yet arrived, notwithstanding the presence of Covid, so I decided that it was no good being “Decadenona” as I approached my one hundredth decade. Since we now live in one, I decided to go for ““. Heart Internet are the hosts, and here we are. The old domain came up for renewal, so I elected not to renew it and to terminate the hosting contract. So if you go looking for it, I doubt you will find it.

RIP Decadenona.

About Ian

Retired Clergyman, and former RAF person. Lives in Kirkcudbright, SW Scotland. One wife. Two children, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren scattered across UK, Europe and the USA. Long time member of the European Movement, and latterly of the Scottish National Party. ""Here's to us; who is as good as us? Damn few, and they're all dead"
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